Linda Allen





Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.-Margaret Mead Margaret Mead's famous quote drives my actions as the Department of Florida Legislative Chair. I know that I am not alone; members of the American Legion Auxiliary Department of Florida are comprised of thoughtful citizens with a mission to improve the lives of our veterans and their families through legislative action. Relevant changes are implemented through targeted, well designed, thoughtful legislation. As Department Chair I will strive to give the Units the tools needed to create, support, and implement changes through education, developing relationships and taking targeted actions. Districts and Units are encouraged to practice discussing legislation and verbalizing arguments supporting that legislation with elected officials. I encourage each Unit to identify issues facing Veterans and their families and encourage them to openly discuss and debate possible legislative solutions. System Change is difficult, but this group of dedicated members are indeed creating world change through their targeted legislative efforts.
 Questions to think about and report on: Committee-Specific Reporting Guidelines: As part of your narrative report, please include answers to the following questions:
 • How did you educate members in the legislative issues promoted by The American Legion, and how did your members employ those methods?
 • What legislative activities (town hall meetings, legislative receptions) did members attend in their communities and departments?
*  How did members develop relationships with their elected officials? Please describe.
 • Please describe how members were able to connect with their local and state officials, and what were their successes?


7-Point Plan to Get Your Representative to Pay Attention

  • Write the member a personal letter and expect a response within thirty days. Do not use a form letter or postcard.
  • If you haven’t heard from your member, call to ask for a meeting with the staff member in charge of veterans issues.
  • Be concise at the meeting. Have your facts straight and all your sources.
  • Request that your issue/concern be placed on the radar screen and supported by your member.
  • If the above isn’t working, stand outside the member’s office or committee door. Introduce yourself when she/he passes by and tell them about your concern as simply as possible. Back up your statement with facts.
  • Send a thank you letter for the time and support the member gives to your issue.
  • Hold her/him accountable. Send a note of appreciation if she/he votes yes. Send a note questioning a no vote.

National and State Legislative Committee

The national organization of the American Legion Auxiliary has a National legislative Committee which works closely with the National Legislative Commission of The American Legion. The American legion Commission has offices in Washington. D.C. and continually promotes the passage of The American legion sponsored legislation. Departments of the American legion and Auxiliary also have Legislative Committees which function in a similar manner within the states.

Unit Support in Legislative Work

When measures important to the American Legion and American Legion Auxiliary are before the lawmaking bodies for consideration appeals go out for support on these measures. At such times the unit members should contact their representatives urging them to take the action desired.

How Legislative Policy is Formed

In all matters of legislation the American Legion Auxiliary follows the action of The American Legion, never endorsing any measure until The American legion Has firs endorsed it and never following a policy which does not coincide exactly with The American legion’s stand.

The Department Conventions formulate the legislative program for each Department and also follow the action of The American Legion Department Convention. They outline the policy to be followed in regard to measures to come before the legislatures of their stats and also pass resolutions on national measures to be referred to the national Conventions.

Legislative Work for the Unit

The legislative activities of the Unit may be handled by the Unit President, by a standing Unit committee, or by a special committee appointed to conduct the work in special emergencies. The legislative matters usually deal with some other phase of Auxiliary work, such as Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation – getting beneficial legislation for veterans; Children and Youth – securing legislation beneficial to children of veterans and children generally; National Security – securing national security measures; or Americanism – obtaining the passage of measures to promote better citizenship or to curb the activities of radicals. The arousing of public sentiment in support of such measures might well be left to the committee handling the activity under which they fall.

All Unit Legislative Chairmen should subscribe to The Dispatch. The American Legion’s publication. This biweekly newspaper describes current legislative issues and other news pertinent to The American Legion family. Subscription requests with payment should be sent to The Dispatch, The American Legion , PO Box 1055, Indianapolis, IN 46206.

The American Legion National Legislative Awards

These awards will be based upon copies of congressional responses forwarded to the Commissions’ Staff Office in Washington, DC. Eligibility for citations will be based upon two factors:

  • The number of congressional responses in relationship to the Department’s membership.
  • The timeliness of congressional responses forwarded to the National Legislative Commission, The American Legion.

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