Children & Youth

The All Children’s Hospital, St. Petersburg; New Horizons (formerly Northview Community Center), Pensacola; Mailman Center, Miami; American Legion Child Welfare Foundation; Camp Boggy Creek; Children’s Miracle Network; and Special Olympics; are sponsored projects.

Junior Activities is a project of the Children and Youth Program. The “Junior Activities Handbook” gives complete information directing the Junior Activities project.

Peggy Miller Award

(Note: This Revolving Trophy expires in 2019)

  • Awarded to the Junior Auxiliary member who shows outstanding participation in one or more programs of the American Legion Auxiliary.
  • Narrative to be typed and submitted by a senior member of the Junior’s Unit on 8½˝ x 11˝ white paper.
  • Entry to be received by the Department Children and Youth Chairman thirty (30) days prior to Department Convention and will be presented at Department Convention.


(Note: This Revolving Trophy expires in 2016)

  1. Children & Youth Form must be submitted and include all required statistical information, i.e., money expended, number of children and families assisted, etc.
  2. Cash contributions must be made through Department Office to each of the following:
    1. All Children’s Hospital
    2. Mailman Center for Child Development
    3. Northview Community Center (Pensacola)
    4. American Legion Child Welfare Foundation
  3. One special meeting on Children and Youth during the year, preferably in April.
  4. A narrative of all Children and Youth projects and activities, not to exceed 1,000 words must be submitted.
    1. Narrative will not contain statistical information since this is reported on the Children & Youth form.
    2. Unusual community projects for Children and Youth along with any service rendered in this area may be included.
    3. Programs and cooperation with Post are very important and should be included.
    4. Unit participation in community Children and Youth programs sponsored by other organizations may also be included.
    5. General
    • Margins will be 1˝ on all sides. Pages will be numbered ½˝ from the bottom in the middle of the page. Narrative will be secured with a staple in upper left hand corner.
    • Cover page will include Unit name and number, location, District, year, Unit Chairman and Unit President’s name, address and signatures. This information will be centered on cover page.
    • Heading will be used on first page only and will be 1” from the top with narrative beginning two spaces below heading. Heading will read Narrative-Children and Youth Program (All Capital letters).
    • Narrative will be typed on white bond, 8½˝ x 11˝, double spaced in upper/lower case type.
    • Narrative to be received by the Department Chairman no later than thirty (30) days prior to Department Convention. Department Chairman will be assisted in judging by committee members or, at her discretion, other individuals she deems appropriate.
    • To qualify, statistical report (Unit Year End Report) form must accompany narrative being submitted.
    • Special emphasis in judging will be given as to size of Unit and accomplishments accordingly.
    • Judging will be based on the following:
    1. Conciseness
    2. Originality of Content
    3. Neatness
    4. Correct spelling, grammar and punctuation.
    5. Compliance with all above rules.

NOTE: In the interest of postage, no special cover or binder, special artistic designs or extras such as pictures will count in judging nor be required. These, in fact, are discouraged.

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