Chaplain Mae Nalley Senior Prayer Book Trophy

(Note: This Revolving Trophy expires in 2016)

See rules listed below. Entry to reach the Department Chaplain 30 days prior to Convention. Sponsored by Unit 25, Lake Placid


  1. Fly Page (to be centered) must contain:
    1. Unit name and number
    2. Location (city and state)
    3. Name of Chaplain and President
    4. Year
    5. District
    6. Membership grouping
  2. First Section – Prayers
    1. Original
      • Prayers to be centered, including name of author
    2. Author other than person submitting prayer;
      • Prayer to be centered, including author’s name and name of person submitting prayer.
    3. Author Unknown
      • Prayer to be centered, state “Author Unknown” and name of person submitting prayer.
  3. Second Section – Devotional Thoughts Rules are the same as First Section-Prayers.
  4. Last page
    • List alphabetically the names of the people who have contributed Prayers and Devotional Thoughts.
  5. Appearance
    1. Cover-notebook, preferably white
    2. Paper-8 1/2″ x 11″ white, pink or blue bond, or appropriate computer graphic paper.
    3. Black type
    4. Prayers must be strictly non-denominational
    5. Only one Prayer or Devotional Thought per page
    6. Decorations-only designs permitted are Praying Hands, Cross and Star of David. Wherever a cross appears, there must be a Star of David.
    7. No decorations on pages with Prayers and Devotional Thoughts.
  6. Judging
    1. Neatness
    2. Correct spelling
    3. Strict adherence to all rules.
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