XI. Secretary/Membership Chairman
- Dues shall be payable annually for the succeeding calendar year. If a member has permitted her dues to lapse, she must either pay all back dues or re-establish her eligibility by completely filling out a new application. A member failing to pay such annual dues by January 31st shall be classed as delinquent and shall be suspended from all membership privileges.
- REMITTANCE SHEETS should be handled as follows: Use recap sheets secured from Department Headquarters.Accompany membership recap sheet with a check or money order at $3.00 per Junior and $16.50 per Senior. Do not mail cash.
Use same procedure for back dues, indicating year being paid on recap sheet.
- INDIVIDUAL APPLICATIONS. Use regular application blanks, National requires these forms be completely and legibly filled out. Type or use black ink. Be sure the Unit file contains a copy for every member.
- PROOF OF ELIGIBILITY. When a woman is applying for membership through relationship to a deceased veteran, it is considered that satisfactory proof of the veteran’s service shall have been established when the Post Adjutant certifies that he has examined the records and documentary evidences of the deceased veteran, and based upon this examination declares it to be his opinion that the applicant is eligible.
- CHANGE OF ADDRESS. Change of address for Unit Officers and Chairmen should be sent to Department Headquarters and District President without delay. Change of a Unit member’s address should be noted in Unit files and with a Member Data Form sent to Department Headquarters for each member immediately.
- MEMBERSHIP CARDS. Membership cards for renewal of all members will be received from the NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS. Additional cards for new members may be obtained by a request to Department Headquarters.
- HONORARY LIFE MEMBERSHIP. It is the responsibility of the Unit to pay Department and National Dues annually for the lifetime of the member. Instructions for handling these memberships may be obtained from Department Headquarters.
- TRANSFERS. Methods of transferring of membership from one Unit to another will be found in the National Unit Handbook. Be sure to use proper forms secured from Department Headquarters. After January 31st dues must be paid to old Unit.