The Department President may send requests for ratification of appointment of chairmen of standing committees, appointments to fill vacancies in office, other appointments not otherwise provided for, as well as requests for referendum votes on urgent matters, by mail to members of the Department Executive Committee. Votes should be cast and returned to Department Headquarters within fifteen (15) days.
Within ninety (90) days of installation the Department President shall visit and inspect the facilities for Department Convention. If facilities do not meet needs of Auxiliary she will arrange for a suitable site to meet our needs.
The Department President shall schedule a Workshop for Department Officers and Chairmen within forty-five (45) days after the close of the Convention providing accommodations are available.
The Department President shall visit in every District as early as possible in her administrative year, dates to be given District President at the Department Workshop.
The Department President shall have authority to appoint the Chairman and Co-Chairman of Department Conferences and the Department Convention during her administration. She shall give approval for all functions and plans pertaining to her Department Convention.
When a National President or Southern Division National Vice President is the official guest of the Department of Florida, suitable lodging shall be available for her during her visit. If the headquarters hotel does not provide complimentary lodging, it shall be paid from Department funds.