Department Committee Application Member #(Required)Unit #(Required)District #(Required)Name(Required) First Last Address(Required) Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Email(Required) Phone(Required)Committee PositionsList 2 committee positions that would best fit your talents and experience and explain why feel that you would be an effective leader in that committee.Choice #1 for a committee that would best fit your needs(Required)Why do you feel you would be an effective leader in this committee(Required)Choice #2 for a committee that would best fit your needs(Required)Why do you feel you would be an effective leader in this committee(Required)Have you served on a Department Committee before?(Required) Yes No If yes, what Department committee(s)(Required)Have you served in any position on the Unit level?(Required) Yes No If yes, what Unit position(s)?(Required)Have you served in any position on the District level?(Required) Yes No If yes, what District position(s)?(Required)What is the best time to contact you?(Required) Morning Afternoon Night Select AllCommunications is now done electronically. Please select all programs and applications that you are comfortable using.(Required) Text Messaging Email Microsoft Word Excel Power Point Zoom FaceBook Select AllSelect which areas that you have any professional or work experience in.(Required) Finance Non Profit Leadership Legal Diversity/Equity/Inclusion Child Development & Education Educational Social Media Compliance Organizational Risk Management Audio Visual Select AllBriefly explain the experience that you have selected above.(Required)List 3 references. Must include Unit President and District PresidentName(Required) First Last Phone(Required)Name(Required) First Last Phone(Required)Name(Required) First Last Phone(Required)Upon submitting this application I am aware that it does not guarantee me to any position.(Required) I agree.