
Poppy Orders: $75.00 per 1,000 (minimum order 250). Units must send their Poppy orders to Department ninety (90) days prior to Poppy Days. Orders received after the deadline will be rejected. November orders will receive first priority.

All Poppies for the Department of Florida must be ordered through Department Headquarters. Units may not resell Poppies to any organization outside of The American Legion Auxiliary.

All Poppy orders will be subject to a process and shipping fee as shown on the most recent Poppy Order Form, available from Headquarters..

Poppy Distribution in the Department of Florida shall be limited to two (2) times during the Auxiliary year. The Memorial Day and Veteran’s Day distribution is deemed to be the normal Poppy Distribution time; however, if another distribution date (whether temporary or permanent) is desired, permission must be granted by the Department President.

American Legion Posts with no affiliated Auxiliary Unit may order Poppies from the American Legion Auxiliary, Department Headquarters, at a cost of $200.00 per thousand.

Poppy Proceeds: Twenty-five (25) percent of the net proceeds of the Units Poppy distribution are to be sent to Department Headquarters on the Poppy Proceeds Form within thirty (30) days of distribution.

Poppy Seals may be purchased from American Legion Emblem Sales for $6.00 per thousand.

Use of Funds derived from Poppy Days:

Be it resolved, that funds derived from the distribution of the American Legion Auxiliary Poppy shall be used for the following purposes:

  1. For the rehabilitation of Veterans honorably discharged from the United States Armed Forces after April 6, 1917.
  2. For the welfare of the families of veterans honorably discharged from the United States Armed Forces after April 6, 1917.
  3. For the rehabilitation of hospitalized servicemen returning home and awaiting discharge who require treatment in service hospitals.
  4. For the welfare of veterans, active military personnel, and the families of veterans and active military personnel of the above named period where financial and medical need is evident.


  1. Contests shall be sponsored by Units in schools. However, when this activity is not conducted by the schools, other youths, including Junior American Legion Auxiliary members may participate under the direct supervision of the Unit.
  2. Class 1 Grades 2 and 3
    Class II Grades 4 and 5
    Class III Grades 6 and 7
    Class IV Grades 8 and 9
    Class V Grades 10 and 11
    Class VI Grade 12
    Class VII Students with Special Needs as Defined:

    1. Those in Special education classes.
    2. A student recommended for special education classes, but who has not been admitted due to waiting list or various other casual factors.
    3. A child identified as having a disability, but not in a special education class due to lack of facilities, identification contingent upon discretion of school officials.
  3. There shall be a National Award for the best poster in each class.
  4. Each Department shall establish its own procedure for judging posters. Refer to the Department Chairman Bulletin.
  5. Poppy Posters:
    1. Each poster shall have a fitting slogan not to exceed ten (10) words. Articles “a”, “and”, “an”, “the” are not to be counted as words. The words “buddy” and “buy “ cannot be used.
    2. The words “American Legion Auxiliary” must be used in the design of the poster and will not be counted in the (10) word count.
    3. Each poster must carry a picture of the Flanders Poppy in the correct Color (four red petals with a center of green and black).
    4. The poppy shall have four petals and no leaves.
    5. The Department shall determine the closing date of the Unit Contest. The poster shall be 11 x 14 poster board (effective 2008-2009) Administrative year. (Drawing paper will not be accepted).
    6. The United States Flag may be used as long as there are no infractions of the flag code.
    7. Posters will be judged using the following criteria:
      1. 50% – Poster appeal (layout, message, originality)
      2. 40% – Artistic ability (design and color)
      3. 10% – Neatness
    8. Media used shall be watercolors, crayons, powder or oil paint, handmade paper cutouts, ink or textures, acrylics, pencils and markers.
    9. Written in ink on the back of the poster (not attached) shall be the class in which the entry is submitted, the name, address, age and grade of the contestant and the name of the Department.
    10. The poster shall be the work of only one individual.
    11. No humorous drawings or slogans shall be used.
    12. The label “In Memoriam” from the veteran-made poppy may not be used.
    13. When the Holy Cross is used, the Star of David shall also be used.
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