III. Department Headquarters Staff

  1. The Department Secretary-Treasurer shall conduct all official correspondence under the direction of the Department President. She shall keep a record of the proceedings of the Department conventions, of the Department Executive meetings and shall be responsible for the distribution of all Department bulletins and compilation of the Unit Guide. She shall also handle all secretarial and clerical duties incumbent upon her office. She shall receive and keep a record of all monies received from the Units and/or other sources. She shall be the custodian of the funds of the Department organization and shall account for same. She shall sign all checks disbursing funds as prescribed by the Department and make reports upon the condition of the Department treasury to the Department President and the Department Finance Committee. Her accounts shall be audited annually by a Certified Accountant, and quarterly by the Department Audit Committee. She shall turn over to her successor all money, vouchers, books and papers belonging to the Department. She shall keep all records and perform all other duties incident to her office.
  2. A form, used in reporting names and addresses of Unit Officers to Department Headquarters and to District Presidents, shall be mailed from Department Headquarters prior to the election of Unit Officers.
  3. The proposed budget for the Department shall be made available to the Chairman of each Unit delegation and to each Past Department President in attendance and to each elected Department Officer present at Department Convention.
  4. Plan of Action – To be no more than three (3) pages. Outline (front and back sides of 8½˝ x 11˝ paper) with Awards printed front and back side of 2nd sheet. Unit annual report on front and back side of 3rd sheet. Unit and District Annual Report must be copy ready. Plan of Work must be completed within three (3) weeks of close of Convention.
  5. Call to Mid-Winter Conference and Department Convention shall be sent to all Department Officers and Chairmen, Past Department Presidents and Unit Presidents.
  6. Monthly Contribution Sheets shall be posted online monthly. District Presidents, Finance Committee (6 members) includes Department President and Vice-President, Department Chaplain, Americanism Chairman, Auxiliary Emergency Fund Chairman, Children & Youth Chairman, Children’s Hospital Representatives, Education Chairman, Girls State Chairman, Legislative Chairman, National Security Chairman, Poppy Chairman, VA & R Chairman and Hospital Representatives will be mailed a printed copy upon request.
  7.  Prior to the Constitutional Conference, Department Headquarters shall send to each Unit President a form for certifying elected delegates to the Constitutional Conference. The completed form will be presented to the District Secretary at the conference.
  8. The Department Headquarters is responsible only for the housing of official delegates at the National Convention by certifying a list which is forwarded to the Department Adjutant for completion. Any member (not a delegate) wishing to attend the National Convention should make reservations through the Department Adjutant of The American Legion.
  9. The Department Secretary-Treasurer shall furnish the Convention Chairman a complete and comprehensive outline of the duties. This outline will include the duties of the various committees functioning under the Convention Chairman. At the close of the Convention a statement of expenses with receipts shall be submitted by the Convention Chairman to the Secretary-Treasurer for reimbursement according to the Department Budget.
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