Think about the last time you received what you needed when you needed it. Did you call it a gift or even a miracle? In the American Legion Auxiliary that “need meeting-gift giving” happens continuously. And it’s possible because as a patriotic service organization in the world our membership of more than 550,000 strong is fiercely dedicated to serving, helping, and meeting needs. Our focus is what it’s always been: service members, veterans and their families in their communities. And our members produce annual statistics in the millions.
The members of the American Legion Auxiliary make a difference in the lives of all Americans. They educate children, organize community events and help our nation’s veterans through legislative action and volunteerism. We are the male and female spouses, grandmothers, mothers, sisters, and direct and adopted female descendants of members of The American Legion. Some of us are veterans ourselves. Auxiliary members are a unique group of men and women, joined in the fellowship of volunteerism, patriotism and dedicated to veterans, young people and communities.