a.There shall be no raising of funds, nor any project involving the raising of funds by any Department Chairman or Hospital Representative without prior approval of the Department Finance Committee.
Due to IRS regulations, there shall be no fund raising allowed by a District. Only Units within a District may initiate Fund Raising Projects.
There shall be no solicitation of funds at any Department Meeting by members of a Unit, District, The American Legion, Sons of The American Legion or any other organization.
There shall be no solicitation of funds at any Department Meeting by a Department Chairman without written permission from the Department President 60 days prior to the meeting. Copy of permission is to be sent to Headquarters.
All requests for travel and lodging provided for in the budget shall be submitted to Department Headquarters within thirty (30) days, using the proper worksheet. Any member traveling from out of the State of Florida to receive .25 per mile from location of the Unit where they hold membership to the site of meeting or special event. Final convention expenses to be paid once an oral report is given, a written report is submitted for the Book of Reports, and all files are turned over to successor.
Districts are not allowed to have bank accounts.
All requests for expense reimbursement by a Department Officer, Chairman or Hospital Representative must be accompanied by valid receipts and worksheet. No payment will be made after June 30, 2016.
The incoming Department President should seek approval of the Finance Committee for a special fund raising project, if she elects to support one during her year.
Registration fee for the Annual Department Convention shall be that of The American Legion.
All checks for dues and contributions sent to Department Office must be made payable to “American Legion Auxiliary, Dept of FL”. Donations to local charities, supported by a Unit, must be sent directly to the charity and reported on the Unit’s Annual Year-end Report Form.
All contributions must be sent to Department Headquarters by April 30, 2016. All monies received after April 30th will not appear until the July 2016 contribution report for award and accounting purposes.
District Presidents are required to report at the District Constitutional Conference the income and expenditures of the District for their administration from District dues received and turn-over any remaining dues to the incoming District President.
Invoices will be issued to all Units for the Rehabilitation, Education, Girls State, Sock Quotas and Bonding Fee by Department Headquarters and these invoices are payable upon receipt.
Any bonding claim submitted by a Unit who has not paid its five dollar and fifty cents ($5.50) Bonding Fee, and does not have a two (2)-signature account, will not be accepted.
Whereas, it may be necessary to make adjustments within the budget during the administrative year, the Finance Committee is authorized to make necessary adjustments within the approved budget.