VII. District Presidents
- The District President is the official Installing Officer for Units in her District. See Item IX, Sec. 8.
- The District President shall familiarize herself with the installation ceremony in the Manual of Ceremonies and give thorough instruction to the Sergeant-at-Arms prior to the installation. The District President’s message should never exceed the time allotted by the Unit.
- The District President shall appoint District Officers and Chairmen of Committees corresponding with those named and functioning in the Department. Distribute among as many Units as possible. Forward names and addresses of appointees to the Department Headquarters on the form provided immediately upon appointment. The District President is responsible for any vacancies not filled in her District. No Department funds are available for expenses of those District Officers and Chairmen.
- The District Presidents shall sign for all packets, in turn each Unit President shall sign for hers, and these signatures shall be returned to Headquarters. If packets are not delivered within forty-five (45) days, they shall be returned to Headquarters. If this procedure is not followed, the cost of the packets shall be deducted from the District Presidents’ quarterly allowance. Packets are valued at $40.00.
- District dues, payable to President, shall not exceed twenty dollars ($20.00) per Unit and are to be used for operating expenses (i.e. bulletins, postage, etc. ) not for personal use of any Officer or Chairman. The District President shall keep all funds of the District and a Financial Report must be given at the Constitutional Conference.
- District Presidents shall keep the individual Unit records posted and up to date. The monthly contribution sheets are available online or a paper copy will be mailed upon request.
- District Presidents shall send written reports to the Department President of their activities within their District. These reports are due September 1; December 1; March 1 and June 1. These reports are to be mailed and postmarked no later than 10 days in month due. An expense voucher shall accompany these reports. In addition one (1) copy of written report shall be compiled for Mid-Winter Conference and Department Convention on the activities of the Units in their District. Said copies to be turned into Department Secretary-Treasurer at time of report. The report submitted to be included in the annual Book of Reports shall not exceed 8½˝ x 11˝ 2 pages front and back in a 12pt font.
- District President shall be responsible for District Chairmen submitting Unit annual reports to their respective Department Chairmen by May 1st.
- The District President must hold a School of Instruction for Unit Officers, Chairmen and members. To be of the most value to Units it should be held within 30 days after Department Workshop, but not necessarily in conjunction with holding a similar school by the American Legion. All District Officers and Chairmen should attend. If the Department President is in attendance she should be given time early on the program. The Department allows no expenses for Department Chairmen and Committee members to attend District meetings.
- The District Constitutional Conference shall be held annually but not necessarily in conjunction with the Constitutional Conference of The American Legion; not more than 60 days prior nor less than 10 days prior to Department Convention. The Units should be notified as early as possible of this Conference, giving them all necessary information regarding procedure for endorsement of candidates for District President.
- In the event that a District has failed to elect a District President, or the District President-elect is unable to assume her duties for the upcoming year, a District Caucus shall be called at Department convention for the purpose of electing a District President. The immediate Past District President shall preside at said Caucus and a Parliamentarian shall be appointed by the Department President. Any District President elected in this manner must meet with the newly elected Department President immediately after close of Convention for instructions and/or training.
- Any new District revolving trophy shall have the approval of the delegates at the Constitutional Conference. Once approved, the trophy shall become the property of the District. When the trophy is no longer usable, the delegates at the next Constitutional Conference shall vote as to the disposition of said trophy.
- It is customary for the newly elected District President to be introduced before the Legion District Conference — if time permits.
- District Secretaries shall notify all Unit Presidents of District Meetings and Conferences, also notify all Department Officers, Department Chairmen and Past Department Presidents living in their District. District Secretaries shall distribute Department Bulletins to respective District Chairman within three (3) days of receipt.
- The District President is the organizer of new units in her District. Organization procedures start after a Post has received its permanent charter and has voted favorably on formation of a Unit. The District President attends the organization meeting, taking with her all material and application forms sent upon request from the Department Secretary-Treasurer. It is helpful to have other District Officers and Chairmen at the meeting to assist in explaining the purposes and programs of the American Legion Auxiliary and to assist in filling out application forms. If the new Unit desires, election and installation of officers can take place at the organization meeting and members initiated. Study the booklet “How to Organize a Unit” and all pertinent information in the National Unit Handbook. A separate typewritten name list must accompany application.Fees for chartering a New UNIT are:
Charter Fee $10.00
Roll $10.00
(Including up to 20 names) .50 for each additional name added to Roll
Senior Dues $16.50
Junior Dues $3.00
Bond $6.00The minimum membership of a Unit shall be ten (10) Senior members. Keep in close touch with new Units, for assistance given them in their first year may well decide their course in future years.
- The Department President will consult with the District Presidents at the Workshop of the dates of her visit. The District Presidents shall immediately contact the Units and make arrangements for the visit. If the Department President is traveling with a companion, housing arrangements shall be at her own expense. If traveling alone, the District President shall arrange housing. The Department President shares a portion of the transportation expense. At the meeting the District President makes her remarks brief. The speech of the Department President should climax the meeting. The President of the hostess Unit should preside.
- Each Unit in the District should be visited at least once during the year, other than installation and the visit of the Department President. At those events the District President has little opportunity to bring her program and message to a Unit.
- If the Unit so desires a gift may be presented to the District President at the time she installs the Unit Officers. The Unit is not expected to give presents to other District Officers and/or Installing Team, and should not be encouraged. A Unit may be visited without advance notice, just as a friendly call. Be prepared to answer questions concerning all phases of the Auxiliary Program, its Constitution, Bylaws, duties of Officers and Committees, Parliamentary Procedures, etc. Do not interfere with the business of a Unit meeting unless called upon by the President or questioned by members. A District President has authority to settle disputes with Units only upon written invitation of two or more members of the Unit Executive Committee. If it is deemed inadvisable to render a decision, after investigation of the facts, refer the matter to the Department President with copies of the letter to Department Headquarters and Department Parliamentarian.