American Legion Auxiliary
Department of Florida

XII. Instructions To Unit Treasurers

XII. Instructions To Unit Treasurers

  1. All funds of the Unit derived from dues, money making projects, awards, or any other source, belong in the Unit Treasury, not in custody of any other person.
  2. Keep a separate account on books for money derived from Poppy Day distributions. See Item VIII, Section 3, of Standing Rules.
  3. Keep accurate, detailed records of every financial transaction. Make payments only on proper authorization by the Unit. Treasurer’s books containing regular income and disbursement sheets may be secured.
  4. If Treasurer handles remittance sheets, read carefully instructions for Secretaries.
  5. Send all money for dues, contributions and obligations (unless otherwise directed) to Department Headquarters, and make all checks payable to the American Legion Auxiliary, Department of Florida. Department obligations should be sent to Department Headquarters as early in the administrative year as possible.
  6. No Unit with past due accounts owing to the Department and unsettled before convening of the Annual Department Convention shall be entitled to seat their Unit delegation in the Convention. These accounts are defined as Membership dues collected, all Quotas, bonding fee, and Poppy proceeds.
  7. Keep a copy of the Unit budget with you and if funds are proposed to be expended in excess of the budget items, call this to the attention of the Unit President before the Unit takes any action.
  8. BOND: Unit bonding fee of $6.00, included with Unit quota invoice, to be paid by January 31st. Convicted felons are not covered by Unit Bond.